Discovery Corps Technology


When Discovery Corps works with you, we bring the full range of our technical expertise to bear on your project. We also bring unique capabilities that have been embedded in our own custom software. Below are brief descriptions of some of the technologies that we’ve developed to explore, analyze, visualize, and model data for our clients. Click on an entry in the index below to go directly to that section, or scroll down to see the entire list.

Data ExplorerTM EntropyCrusherTM and EntropySifterTM Segment ProfilerTM XmodelerTM


The DataExplorerTM automates key portions of the exploratory data analysis (EDA) process. It produces the most useful statistics, tables, and graphs associated with any data set, large or small. The DataExplorerTM allows us to rapidly become familiar with your data as a precursor to further analysis, modeling, and segmentation. It also immediately exposes issues that must be addressed, such as missing values and outliers.

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EntropyCrusherTM and EntropySifterTM

 Discovery Corps, Inc.’s entropy-based technologies are unparalleled in the industry. They leverage the power of information theory and apply it to the vital and very practical problems of mathematical model building. The EntropyCrusherTM determines the upper limit on model accuracy that can be achieved with a given data set. It also determines a minimal or near-minimal feature set required to achieve that accuracy. The EntropySifterTM builds rule-based models using the feature set determined by the EntropyCrusherTM. These models are not only extremely accurate, but they are also very straightforward to understand and to implement. To our knowledge, these combined capabilities do not exist elsewhere in any commercial or custom software.

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 The SegmentProfilerTM is another unique, proprietary tool in the Discovery Corps, Inc. arsenal. With it, we can rapidly compare behaviors, attitudes, demographics, and a multitude of other features across distinct groups. For instance, if customers are segmented into seven groups, we can quickly and effectively assess the differences in these groups in terms of their age, gender, average spending, buying patterns, and the like. The SegmentProfilerTM is also very effective as a tool for selecting the best features to use in building predictive models and classifiers.

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 The XmodelerTM technology has proven itself very effective for building response models. Customized Xtransforms are generated for all data elements. These transformed data elements can then be used as inputs to standard statistical models, neural networks, or the entropy-based technologies mentioned above. Dozens of XmodelerTM-based implementations are currently in operation, providing value for our clients.

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